How to Lose Pounds
in Time for That Next Big Occasion!
Jump start your weightloss with this
How to Lose Pounds… before that next big occasion!.

Feeling down and grumpy about being heavier than last year?
Worrying about what to wear and what you could possibly do to feel younger and more attractive again?
Here are the secrets to getting off to a great start and staying on track until everything in your wardrobe fits you again..
18 of the Best Tips & Tricks
No menus or exercise plans
just brilliant tips and tricks on how to lose pounds that you can apply
to your daily life style. Make some of these changes and you can lose a
few pounds easily. Take most of them on board and you will lose weight
fast, feel energized and…
look like the real you again in no time!
- Drink Water.
Nothing keeps you hydrated like water. Thirst is sometimes mistaken for
hunger. Next time you need a snack, drink a glass of water. It can take
the edge off your appetite before a meal and prolong that full feeling
in between. Start off with a glass of water first thing in the morning
and aim to drink 8 glasses during the day. This is simple but it’s the
number one tip for losing pounds. More on Why is Water Important? - Water based fruits and vegetables.
Eat them raw wherever possible or steamed, baked or grilled. Get fab
veggie recipes from your friends or online. Or why not try juicing and
get your vitamins in a glass. Use herbs, spices and all your imagination to magic soups and stews that taste great and serve the mission to lose those unwanted pounds. - High fibre breads made from whole-grain, rye and oats, and brown rice and pasta are filling and ensure a healthy digestion.Vegetables
and fruit, try them raw in thin sticks or slices of fruit for snacks.
Large plates of salad turn a sluggish system into a power house! This
is how to lose pounds on a full stomach! - Low fat Protein is essential for the body to stay fit and healthy and definitely how to lose pounds. Protein keeps your metabolism in step and you in a good mood. Chicken, fish, low fat dairy products and nuts are good sources along with eggs and seafood.
- Good fats
in oily fish and olive oil on colorful salads. Salmon, mackerel,
herring and sardines are rich in omega 3 oils and deliver that full
feeling and a good mood too! Try a few nuts and seeds as a late
snack or small piece of chicken (without the skin) is good too. How to
lose pounds and do your skin a good turn at the same time! - Sugar is not on your side so abandon it completely for now. Sugar pushes up your blood sugar level and lets it free fall to a low that demands more sugar. Sugar has no advantages
so have alternatives ready when the moment comes. Try apple slices,
berries, yoghurt or nuts or go for a walk. Out smart your sweet tooth
and carry off the slim trophy! - Alcohol comforts the fatties. You don’t need a glass of wine when you are getting slimmer every day! Read Jason Vales book Stop Drinking 4 Life and you will find out that alcohol is not really your friend either. For now they are empty calories that hold you back from your goal.
- Lemon juice and lemon peel used as a slice in drinks or in your cooking recipes reduces the impact of foods on the blood sugar level. Natural sugars are released more steadily into the bloodstream. It is all powerful on the vitamin C, antioxidant front and it’s antiseptic.
- Easy weightloss could be as simple as making a few changes to your cooking methods. Grilling, baking, steaming, stir fry with a tea spoon of olive oil and vegetable stock. Give these methods a try, use lots of herbs and spices and save hundreds of calories every day!
- Smaller portions of meat, fish, pasta, rice and bread and fill your plate with delicious steamed veggies
or raw baby spinach leaves with tomatoes, beetroot, cucumber and all
your favorite salad leaves. You definitely won’t be hungry - Standbys
for those weak moments. Just as we can have an excuse ready to decline
an unwelcome invitation, so can we have a few healthy food options as
standbys ready when the lust overtakes you for chocolate or cake.
Yoghurt with a little muesli sprinkled over, mango slices, a smoothie
made with milk, yoghurt and berries or a few pieces of dried fruit or
nuts.Be prepared to win! - Write it down
and you’ll be more aware of the calories you might be taking on the
run! Make a few notes after every meal and snack and discover where you
can knock off a few more calories ! The secret
of how to lose pounds is finding out how they got there in the first
place. You won’t need to do this for long. It’s quite enlightening! - Eat 3 normal or 5 small meals per day and NEVER skip meals The blood sugar low will catch you out and either make you grab the next cake or grump
at someone and ruin a perfectly good weightloss day! Skipping meals
sends the wrong signals to the metabolism which then slows down and
stores fat instead. - Move that body in whichever way you like best because exercise is how to lose pounds fast! Walking every day, twice a day is better, will crank up your metabolism and keep you in a winning mood. Jogging, swimming, dancing, working on the cross trainer or to a fitness DVD are good too.
Top how to lose pounds tip rebounding is on a mini trampoline burns 3 times more calories in 15 minutes than 15 minutes jogging. It’s fun too! - Make an investment
in this mission. For a few dollars/euros you can do something that will
give you that little extra input on how to lose pounds. Look at books
and CDs that offer a walking or exercise programme with healthy nutrition that is do-able for our age group.
Joy Bauer, Johanna Hall, Leslie Sansone are 3 coaches that have proven
track records of successful fitness and weightloss with older women. You
could look into a hypnotherapy course to change your mindset about
fitness and how to lose pounds from Paul McKenna all downloadable
online. My all time best motivator is my pedometer. It counts every step,
tells me how many calories I burned and how far I walked. Next day I
try going a little further or tacking on another 500 steps to burn some
more calories. Makes me fitter and firmer and losing pounds easier! - Set up the game so you can win is a favorite quote from Anthony Robbins. You can reward yourself
at every stage of your losing pounds plan. Every week, every 3 pounds
or each time you can get into another pair of jeans or skirt. Make it a
non food reward but something you want.. a new foundation primer, creamy lipstick, perfume, massage or a great new book. Enjoy it and know it is a reward for making some good decisions! - Get A Buddy, a partner or friend and help each other. Exchange tips and recipes, walk together and have weekly weigh in’s. Enthusiasm doubles, you can support each other during the tricky moments and celebrate with a shopping trip when you reach your goal!
- Know YOU can do this! We see women all the time of 50, 60 and 70 who look marvellous
and those who look frumpy and unattractive. Don’t ever give up, take
things slowly by all means but don’t accept extra weight and health
decline. Be good to yourself, feed your body well, move it and take care
of it on the inside and out. There is no replacement no matter how much money we could pay. Postpone all the ailments and enjoy a healthy, happy time looking absolutly great!
Learning how to lose pounds and keep them off
could be the 1st Step back to the real you!
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