Our Daily Quote To Inspire And Guide Us Every Day!

Our Daily Quote to Inspire and Guide You Today


We have been receiving our daily quote from Abraham for some years. It is always inspiring and often seems to be exactly what I need at that moment.

And… then there are days when I sit in awe of this advice which appears to be written solely for me, just where I am, right at that moment.

On days like this I print out the quote and leave it on my desk so I can remind myself of the message from Abraham. I know it is pointing me in the right direction.. if only I could keep it in mind!

I also have many favorites which decorate my fridge doors and others I have used for special birthday cards and notes to friends. Just surround yourself with positive and inspiring thoughts!

They always makes me smile.

I know they will make you smile too.

I am very happy that you can read the quotes from Abraham on my webpages.

Enjoy your life today


The law of Attraction may seem like a complicated concept at first encounter. Use the link above to go to the website and read about Abraham or watch Esther Hicks on Video delivering the wise and wonderful teachings of Abraham. Revel in the moments that display a delightful Abraham sense of humor. Open your mind and enjoy!

Abraham tells us: No other person need understand the Law of Attraction or the processes involved for us to enjoy a wonderful happy life. Why? Because each one of us attracts his or her own life experience. Just you attracting what you focus on.

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