Lose Pounds at 60 and stay slim forever.

Lose Pounds Easily at 60
and Stay Slim Forever

Lose pounds easily at 60!

Sounds like an empty promise doesn’t it?

You don’t eat any more than you used to but you still keep putting on weight.

Have you spent most of your life slim and don’t understand why you are gaining pounds?

Learn how to lose up to 5 lbs in 1 week on Joy’s Life Diet! Joy Bauer is the official diet expert on the Today show.

Joy's Life Diet

How To Lose Pounds In Time For the…
Next Big Occasion!

The solution to losing pounds at our age is easy once we know and accept a few simple facts.

At 60 we need far fewer calories than we did at any other time in our lives.

Most of us are less active than we have been at any other time.

Our muscle density is diminishing constantly which adds to the problem.

The Chart below shows the daily number of calories necessary for women to maintain their current weight.
Just look at how the number plummets for each age group. This is is
only a rough guide. If you are 60 and lead a very sedentry lifestyle
your body might need even fewer calories.

Weight 18-30 36-55 over 55
50 kg – 110 pounds 1860 1660 1500
55 kg – 121 pounds 1950 1760 1550
60 kg – 132 pounds 2050 1860 1600
65 kg – 143 pounds 2150 1960 1630
70 kg – 154 pounds 2250 2050 1660
75 kg – 165 pounds and above 2400 2150 1720

Did you realize the figure is so low?

Consuming more than this number will result in gradual weight gain?

I always think there’s something very good about knowing exactly where you stand. Here is a blueprint to take you from there to Slim Forever.

The are two ways to win this battle and lose pounds…

  • Reduce calorie intake.
  • Burn calories with exercise.

A combination of both will have you back in your jeans in no time!

fact you can juggle times when you consume more calories with more
exercise to keep off the weight. Or when you cannot exercise for a while
eat less or eat foods lower in calories.

You can lose 1 pound of body weight by saving 3500 calories.

It could look like this by reducing calories and/or getting some exercise.

Example = woman weighing 60 kg or 132 pounds

Daily calories Calories burned by exercise Weightloss per week
1600 No exercise maintain current weight
1600 1750 cals burned 7×30 mins exercise 1 pound in 2 weeks
1300 1400 cals burned 5 x 40 mins exercise 1 pound in 1 week
1100 no exercise 1 pound in 1 week

Choose Your Pace

Use this chart to lose the pounds as
quickly or as slowly as you like. Decide on how much exercise you are
prepared to do. Look at your daily calorie intake and find out where you
can make reductions. Do this in any combination you like and change it
whenever it suits you.

If you are in a hurry, with enthusiasm and a little imagination you can find a million ways to save calories and speed things up. There are a host of great books on low calorie recipes and ways to save calories.

To fit into those jeans and wear the clothes you love this needs to become a way of life so make it fun!

Begin slowly with exercise… But Begin!

Don’t be put off by the thought of exercise. If you haven’t done anything for ages (or ever) you are not alone. Begin with a short walk perhaps 10 minutes.

The next day you could do the walk twice or go for longer. Step up the
pace and the distance slowly over the following days. Think about getting a pedometer and challenging yourself to go the extra mile!

Look out for other ways of exercising that might appeal to you. It could be hula hoop or rebounding on a mini trampoline.
Anything that uses more calories than sitting on the sofa will help. So
just be good to yourself and don’t take on a marathon in the second

This is the how to lose pounds at 60 blueprint, for successful weightloss and to help you stay slim forever!

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