How to Stop Drinking Alcohol and
Have More Fun!
How to stop drinking alcohol:
Difficult? Impossible? Or Easy?
You just drink a glass or two in the evening to relax, right?
Am I an expert? No but I know how you feel.
See if the following rings any bells.
- Do you look forward to a drink after work?
- Do you often drink one or two more than planned?
- Are you aware that the calories are causing you to gain weight?
- Does drinking alcohol interfere with a good night’s sleep?
- Do you sometimes feel less than jovial in the morning?
- Do you sometimes feel unable to concentrate during the day?
- What about that slightly down feeling?
- Feel uncomfortable going somewhere for an evening where you cannot drink?
I could go on and on.
But, what comes now is so much worse…
- Do you get up in the morning and vow not to drink tonight?
- Do you commit to resolutions that fail every time?
- Do you often drink more than you wanted to and then reproach yourself in the morning?
- Do you want desperately not to drink because of the calories?
- Do you wish you knew how to stop drinking alcohol?
If you find yourself in “The Alcohol Trap” and want to do something Jason Vale has something to say to you..
in his new book Kick the Drink…Easily!
Does it seem like there is always a reason to have a glass of wine?
- To celebrate
- To drown your sorrows
- To put the day behind you
- To give you some courage
- To relax
- To get in the mood
One thing is for sure, you will never see alcohol in the same light ever again after reading this book. Jason Vale takes an honest and hard hitting look at people’s conceptions of our most widely consumed drug, alcohol.
Jason’s major argument is there is no such thing as an ‘alcoholic’ and that we are conditioned to accept alcohol as a ‘normal’ substance in today’s society despite the fact that it is the major cause of many of today’s social problems and a wide range of health issues.
Find out the truth and become alcohol free today
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