My Book Case of Inspiring Books
For Mature Women
Have you ever noticed how the right book always arrives in your book case at the right moment?
I love books and I love to have them around me.
Everyone knows the right new diet book can turbo charge a weight loss regime and Jason Vale’s (cheeky) Juicing books have changed my breakfast routine for ever.
A book like Charla Krupp’s How Not to Look Old can make you realise that your signature tune is betraying you and screaming Old Lady. Such womens books can be great fun.
They don’t have a one fits all answer but they keep us on our toes don’t they?
What is happening in your life at this moment will determine which books you are attracted to.
For instance if you are recently separated or divorced you might want to discover a new you, another lifestyle, update your look.
Recently retired you might be wondering what comes next, how to put more meaning into your life without a job.
They can be comforting when life isn’t working out, up lifting when you are feeling down and positively inspiring when you need to give your life a new direction.
Many of us feel that as we get older our values change and we feel wiser yet somehow still in the dark.
I find esoteric fascinating and have lots of favourite books that are full of highlighted paragraphs that I go back to again and again.
So here are some of the the books in My Book Case that I love and would like to share with you. The girly ones, the anti aging books, juicing titles and healthy diet bibles.
My favourite people, Mr & Mrs Hicks and Abraham, Louisa Hay, Anthony Robbins and many more in no special order.
Just know whatever your need…
the right book will find it’s way into your book case.
Get a flavour from the tidbits below and then “Click” the links to read my full reviews of the following book titles from my book case. More coming soon…
Fabulous Faces by Peter A Adamson, M.D.
A Guiding Hand from Motivation to Transformation through Facial Plastic Surgery.
For whatever reason you might be considering facial plastic surgery I recommend that you read this book. Find out about where you are going, what happens there and who will hold your hand.
Makeup Wakeup by Sindy Linter & Lois Joy Johnson. A definite in my book case.
In a mature women makeup rut? Need new makeup ideas, application techniques and someone who understands your concerns?
Then Lois Joy Johnson and Sandy Linter have written Makeup Wakeup with you in mind.
Experience Your Good Now! by Louise Hay
In her new book Louise Hay wants us to know that..
• It’s never too late
• No need to put it off till tomorrow
• Now is the best moment for change
We can change anything in our life now!
Pedometer walking by Mark Fenton and David Basset Jr.
Every Step Counts! This is the message behind the book.
For this book Mark Fenton has teamed up with Professor of Exercise Science David Basset Jr. Their combined knowledge and experience has produced a well written book that will inspire you to walk today.
How to Never Look Fat Again by Charla Krupp
How to look younger and…How to look thinner by tonight without dieting! Wow!
She says ” don’t beat your self up for being overweight just choose the right clothes”.
How Not to Look Old by Charla Krupp
Charla Krupp offers us a fast and effortless alternative to “growing old gracefully”
She has identified all the things that betray our best efforts and she shows us exactly what to do to look younger.
Refuse to Diet by Laurie Tossy
After a decade of dieting 51 year old Laurie discovered the secret to achieving permanent weightloss.
Laurie has lost 125 pounds and written a book Refuse to Diet, to help us understand that weightloss success starts with your mind not your mouth.
Age-Defying-Fitness by Marilyn Moffat PhD
Professor of physical therapy Marilyn Moffat PhD tells us that the problems we always thought were down to age… are not.
Anti aging exercise can..
• Make you look taller and slimmer
• Energise you
• Give you back your strength
• Return youthful suppleness to neck and knees
• and allow you to run if you see George Clooney getting out of a limousine!
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Successful Weightloss at Any Age
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