Anti Aging Foods
Live longer, Feel Better!
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Lose years, pounds and aches and pains with these powerful anti aging foods. Watch your complexion clear and your energy levels soar.
Ditch the processed foods, sugar, salt and additives and eat super foods packed full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants essential for a healthy body.
Just replace some of your daily foods with super foods from the list below and and you will soon begin to experience the rewards of a healthy diet! Enhanced energy and vitality and a lower risk of all sorts of age related diseases. You owe it to yourself..

Fruits: They are full of vitamins, antioxidants and phytonutrients to protect skin, eyes, bones and immune system.

Dark green vegetables: particularly
broccoli, spinach and other leafy vegetables. These are powerful
detoxifiers, they help ward off cancer and heart disease. They also
contain a host of vitamins and minerals.

All vegetables and salad: Again vitamins A. B group and C plus beta carotene improving the immune system and heart health.

Pulses, peas, beans and lentils: These contain a good
balance of protein and complex carbs. Rich in fibre which lowers
cholesterol and B vitamins, magnesium, zinc and iron.

Nuts and Seeds:Great source of protein containing omega-3 and
omega-6 oils. These protect against heart disease and stroke. They
improve immunity and are a super anti aging food for the skin.

Whole Grains: Brown rice, rye bread, oats and brown
pasta are all complex carbs with lots of fibre, vitamin dense plus other
essential properties too many to list.

Good Fats and Oil: Cold pressed oils like olive oil are essential for heart health and can help to lower blood pressure and the risk of diabetes. They provide essential antioxidant protection and anti inflammatory properties to calm and soothe the skin. One of the best anti aging foods!

Fish: Especially the oily kind, tuna, salmon, herring and sardines. These Brain Foods contain vitamins A, B, D and E and omega-3 to boost the immune system and maintain those gray cells.

Lean meat: Chicken, turkey and game are best. Healthy low fat (without skin) proteins with lots of vitamin B. Protein is vital for cell repair. Selenium helps prevent wrinkles and iron and zinc to boost energy levels.

Cheese and milk: The calcium in milk helps to prevent osteoperosis and may help lower blood pressure. B12 is linked to improving memory and hearing. Contains vitamin E for skin and eye health. Eats lots of live yoghurt for the friendly bacteria. Cheese has similar properties but contains more fat so keep to a minimum.
your healthy diet around these anti aging foods and you will achieve
benefits quickly and lose weight without ever being hungry.
Why do we need antioxidants? Take a look at this 2 minute video!
Take it slowly. If you try to change everything at once
your enthusiasm will soon wear off. Experiment a little and have some
fun. Get tips on preparing the super foods to preserve the anti aging nutrients.
All fresh vegetables and fruits have a high water content which is
essential for body health and skin condition. But dont forget the best anti aging treatment is water so drink at least 1 1/2 liters for supple healthy skin, a clear complexion and fewer wrinkles. Why is water important for us at our age? I have put together some important information including how to recognize dehydration and also what to do about it!
Want to take your anti-aging diet one step further and get help with your specific needs? At Health and Natural Healing
Sue-Anne Hickey, certified Naturopath will help you discover which
foods help lower blood pressure, what to eat or avoid for osteoporosis,
hypothyroid, constipation and more.
So as the saying goes:
- Some you win…..
- More energy,
- better sleep,
- improved mood,
- feel better
- and look years younger!
- and some you lose…….
- No more bloating,
- no more puffy eyes,
- flaky skin,
- redness and irritation
- and yes.. those extra pounds
I hope you have made a list of your favorite anti aging foods so you can now go on to apply these healthy eating guidelines and get started on a daily diet that will show rewards very soon!
Here’s a list of all the pages about anti aging diet to help you find what you need.
Tips on Weightloss for Mature Women
Make up Techniques for Mature Women
Eat Yourself Healthy with the Anti Aging Diet
Find All Page Titles for Mature Women on the Site Map
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