Fat Burning Exercise for Mature Women!
Do you believe that fat burning exercise means working out with your heart pounding and perspiration pouring over a very flushed face?
The opposite is true!
You can lose weight fast and be fit and healthy without pushing yourself to the limit!
Lets look at some exercises for women like walking, bycycle riding, swimming or my favourite, rebounding on a mini trampoline
In all of these, you burn more fat at a pace that doesn’t make you out of breath, perfect for speeding up metabolism.
It’s all about your heart rate
Working out at about 60% of our maximum heart rate will burn the highest percentage of fat.
There are two ways of knowing if your efforts are staying within this range, they are:
- You should be able to talk and exercise at the same time and not be sweating profusely.
- Wear a heart rate monitor. It will show your exact heart rate and warn you when you are overdoing it.
Any kind of workout, walking running, swimming etc. at this pace will not only see off the pounds but will also increase energy levels and boost your mood.
workout longer at a slower pace
and the results will blow you away!
Don’t be confused into thinking “this seems to work I think I’ll step up the pace.” You would then be doing more for your overall fitness by working your heart harder but you would be out of the optimal fat burning exercise range.
We know when we try to do everything in a day,
We give up the next week!
2 to 3 times per week for about 30 to 40 minutes is an excellent start for women of 60 or more. Enjoy the time, unclutter your mind, feel good and think slim!
Try using a pedometer to count your steps and motivate you to walk further not faster. Or would you prefer do some fat burning exercise at home? Read about the health benefits and fabulous fat burning qualities of mini trampoline exercise . You can workout at a pace to suit you and burn 3 x the calories you would running for the same amount of time.
If you are concerned about slack tummy muscles or flabby upper arms look into fitness ball exercises I call it crunches in comfort, try it out!. You could even think about exercise DVDs with music to help you and your own Personal trainer to show you how at home.
There are also lots of easy, effective exercises that you can do for muscle strength and tone. Leg exercises are important as we get older for maintaining balance and working on those awful wobbly bits.
Nothing is more important than feeling good!
When we feel good, better things happen!
Rebounding Fitness Shop
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