Getting in Shape Fast
Confidence for any Occasion
Confidence for any Occasion
Getting in shape fast
Having the Confidence to wear anything in your wardrobe…
Sound good?
Not so easy as we get older
BUT getting the best help is what we deserve isn’t it?
When you are dressed and ready to go, do you look in the mirror and wish…
- your tummy were flatter?
- your waist a little slimmer?
- your butt firmer?
- Upper arms slimmer?
- or do you breathe in to minimise the whole effect?
If you do,
don’t worry apparently,
celebrities do it too!
In our 50s and 60s even when we are not overweight our bodies have more “wobbly bits.” However much we diet, exercise and train we can still use all the support we can get.
That’s why Shapewear is heaven sent for our age group.
Getting in shape fast is as easy as choosing the right underwear!
Flatter tummies, slimmer arms, sleeker thighs, more lift and less volume in all the right places. Halleluja!
Shapewear like this Slimplicity Lingerie Strap Slip can replace the lack of muscle tone, hide x number of pounds and smooth the areas that sap our confidence.
Charla Krupp author of How not to Look Old says of underwear “They are the hardest working pieces in our wardrobe”
Let’s say you have an outfit that you love but you don’t like the way you look in it anymore.
Choose the right little miracle worker to smooth and shape and minimise and you’ll look 10 pounds lighter!
Shapewear can re-open every possibility in your wardrobe
Wear your Confidence comfortably!
Yes I said comfortably.
You see, unlike the old style girdles and corsets, Shapewear is comfortable enough to wear all day, every day.
The newest technology and manufacturing have produced a breed of feather weight, high performance microfibres. Soft and pliable, they are injected with Lycra to smooth, mould and minimise our bodies and boost our confidence in our favourite clothes.
p.s. Check out the “lift and tuck” capabilities of these Not Your Daughter’s Jeans Straight Leg Plus Size just another little material miracle!
How good is that for getting in shape fast?
Life at Sixty: 9 Reasons why we’re Loving It!
Arm Toning Exercises for Older Arms
Your Man Minus muffintop!
Shopping for Shapewear
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Make up Ideas for Mature Women
Find All Page Titles for Mature Women on the Site Map
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