The Best Make Up for a Perfect Pout

The Best Make Up for a
Perfect Pout

If your best make up is always spoiled by thin dry lips with
no definition then you probably need a new technique!

The cosmetic industry is spoiling us with lipsticks and glosses that boast anti aging ingredients, moisturizers, anti-fade color and light reflecting shimmer. There are even lip plumpers with natural plumping ingredients which last for an evening!

All we need for a perfect pout..

So let’s look at choosing the right ones and how to apply them to get the best results.

Colors are of course abundant and we look longingly at the vibrant deep berries and reds. But the deeper colours emphasise thinner lips and are likely to bleed into the thin lines around the mouth. The beautiful nude shades are prone to leaving you looking washed out so..

Which Way To Go?

It’s the “Pinks” in every hue from peach to pretty that are the best make up for lips and mature faces. They add freshness and brightness to an older skin and diminish the appearance of wrinkles and uneven skin tone.

Choose a creamy texture with all the anti aging, plumping, anti fade properties and a lip lining brush or pencil a few shades lighter. Yes lighter!

The right make up tools are essential for achieving the best result especially on the tiny lines around the mouth. The lip liner brush
or softest lip pencil is for outlining the lips to enhance the contour and
prevent lipstick from running into tiny lines around your mouth. It was never meant to be seen! Lips with dark lines around them are not attractive and only highlight the lack of definition.

Loss of lip volume and definition is a common problem as we get older but don’t worry there are lots of ways to enhance thin lips and make them appear fuller and a more attractive shape.

Pencils & Primers!

If your lip color frays into an uneven line you might want to try using a foundation primer
on your lips before applying lipstick. These are quite new products and
are often considered unnecessary BUT they are the best make up tip for
older skin! They fill in tiny lines making a more even skin surface for the lipstick to adhere to.. result, make up lasts much longer and doesn’t run or separate. Try an inexpensive primer and experiment with the effect..
you won’t be sorry.

I have much thinner lips now and I find using a softer colour means I can trace slightly over the natural line
enhancing the shape. Fill in with the lip pencil, like colouring in a book
and then apply lipstick with the lip brush. A make up artist’s trick that
will ensure your lipstick lasts until very late!

This Sephora Chubby Lip Liner Lipstick Pencil
is a great place to start experimenting. These pencils are really
inexpensive, the colors are gorgeous and they are soft and easy to use.
Or find a big soft lip pencil on your super market shelf and just practice!

Any of you who read my pages regularly know I love Liz Arden
ceramides, so it follows that I think this is the very best make up for
mature lips. Ceramide Plump Perfect Lipstick costs a little bit more but I get skin care and lipstick in one. Lots of the right pinks too!

If you like more shimmer add a dot of lip gloss to the centre of the bottom lip and…voila! Angelina who?

Lips & Lashes!

This more subtle technique for lips means you can go for a
stunning eye make up ideas Use colors and products that are kind to less than perfect eyelids
and avoid the glittery mistakes that can age instantly. Eyebrows should
never be neglected. Find out how to make up brows and lashes with tips and tricks from make up artists!

Remember to keep your lips exfoliated regularly and moisturized with a special lip moisturizer or eye cream. Younger lips are soft and supple so pamper your lips for the perfect pout!

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Make up Primer for Mature Skin

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Make up techniques for Mature Women

How Not to Look Old

View All My Pages for Mature Women on the Site Map

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