Choose Happiness, Look, Feel and Stay Young

Choose Happiness,
it’s the Natural Anti Aging Mode

You can choose happiness today and watch everything in your life brighten up and flow in the right direction.

Do I have a shortcut? Frankly no, but I do have some experience that I would like to share and lots of ideas about how to begin!

My Experience

Twenty Years ago when I was 41 my husband was killed in an airplane accident. My children were just leaving the nest and I was suddenly alone.
Two years into my recovery from this shock I was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a mastectomy.


I learned a great deal during that time in my life. I had always been quite ambitious and staying positive seemed to help me achieve my goals. But this was different. Now I had to overcome the fear when I opened my eyes in the morning.

I read books from Joseph Murphy, Louise Hay and Dr. O Carl Simonton. I realised that dwelling on my illness and all the complications was not helping me. In fact the stress of being unhappy and frightened was possibly having an adverse effect on my already weakened immune system.

I decided to shift my focus little by little onto the things I wanted in my life. I learned how to appreciate and be grateful for all the support I received, for walks with my dogs and days with my family. I dreamed about my son opening a successful business and my daughter getting married one day, grandchildren, perhaps even going to live in a warmer climate and writing a book.

Here’s what I know now for sure

Choose Happiness Now

Begin by finding ways to feel just a tiny bit better. Don’t postpone this until you have more money or find a new partner. Do it now. Get on the upward spiral by doing anything that makes you smile. When you feel a better emotion you know you are pointed in the right direction and your mind is open to ideas and solutions. The better it gets… the better it gets.
Books by Esther and Jerry Hicks are very helpful when you are looking for a place to begin to be happy. I found Ask and it is Given inspiring and encouraging. There is a large section on how to raise your mood bit by bit until you get into the flow. It works!

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What is it you really want?

Allow yourself to discover what you want to have, to do or to be. Talk about, write about and meditate on those things that you want in your life. Make a vision board, carry affirmations with you and be positive that your dream will manifest.
Louise Hay has written a beautiful new book to help you use affirmations to Experience Your Good Now. A life changing book to clear away your doubts and open your mind.

Focus on What you want

Focus your attention like a laser on what makes you happy. Choose happiness by appreciating and being grateful for what is and anticipating what is coming. Surround yourself with positive people and refuse to be drawn into negative conversations.
Make sure that the object of your focus is something you want because you are attracting it to you.

Allow it to Happen

By taking your focus away from a bad situation and being optimistic, thinking better thoughts and feeling better you are actually allowing what you want to come to you.
Thoughts of fear, doubt and guilt achieve the exact opposite which is more of what you fear, doubt and feel guilty about.
On my page Definition of Wellness you will find lots of tips to deal with low mood in other ways. It’s written for mature women and might just point you in the right direction!

Free yourself from these useless habits and…
Choose Happiness instead!

Our guest author Elle Bieling is a holistic nurse and healer. Her article Emotional Wellness highlights how emotions affect our body and how we can learn to listen to our body’s messages and find complete health and healing.

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Mood and Color, The Link To A Younger You

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