Sleek Hair Styles
How to Blow Dry to Lock In The Shine!
How to achieve shiny, salon, sleek hair styles..
Throughout my career I always said..
If you could take off your head, and set it in your lap;
you would never have a bad hair day!
That is where we stylists had the advantage but with some of our tips, and a little practice, you can get shiny, sleek hair in your own home. It is not quite as hard as you may think.
There are a few secrets to getting your hair to respond. Once you add these tips to your repertoire, you will greatly improve the cosmetic quality of your daily style. Hair is a fabric and does have limits. If you wish to push those limits, what you will trade off is time (patience), and you will also need to invest in the correct tools and products. The more you accept and align with what your hair’s potential is, the happier you will be with the outcome. Aside from that, here are some technical tips.
- Get the moisture out! Not only do you waste time trying to straighten and smooth wet hair, it also can cause damage from the excessive long-term heat and tugging. Towel dry your hair as much as possible before you hit it with heat. Then apply the product and begin to style. Your hair should be over 80 percent dry before even picking up a brush.
- Divide and Conquer! If you want shiny, sleek hair, it is best to take sections as you begin to smooth. Get some Section Clips
and get the damp hair out of your way as you smooth the sections. It will actually take less time because you are not tackling too big of sections or over-drying the top of your head to get to the underneath. Plus if you get tired or interrupted, you can take a break without losing your place. - Start at the nape and move upward! I always say, “Style your hair as you would build a house, create a good supporting foundation!”
First of all, you will tackle the more difficult areas (the back) before your arms give out. This way each successive section will support the previous and you will build volume.
- Do not blow “into” the hair! What I mean by this is to aim the wind of your dryer from scalp to ends.
Bend over and move your head side to side to get all parts, but blasting the wind up into the hair can create frizz by opening the cuticle as opposed to closing it to lock in that shiny, sleek hair effect. - Use proper tools! The best tool to use at first is your hand. You can simply grab sections of hair with your fingers and pull to apply tension. This will actually begin to help you straighten. Blowdry the hair by blowing through each section as you tug. Make sure you use a large Anti Static Round Brush
that either has a ceramic/antistatic coating, or opt for natural bristles as they are best for shine and sleekness.
Finally, make sure you do not try new skills fifteen minutes before you have to be somewhere important. All worthy skills require practice as will these. The key is to have patience, take time, and forgive your styling indiscretions as you learn. It took the pros a while to learn their craft.
Look for our section on styling product tips to help you get…
the look you want!
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