Choosing A Wig, What You Need To Know!

Choosing A Wig
Some Useful Tips From Us!

Some may find choosing a wig a playful endeavor to add excitement to their wardrobe.
However, many may find it a cosmetic necessity to boost self-esteem while enduring physical challenges.

Either way, and with emphasis on the latter, choosing a wig can be an emotional and financial investment that requires some guidance and insight.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when embarking on this intimidating journey.

  • Natural or Synthetic
    Natural (human) wigs are made from human hair and offer you the same qualities that human hair fabric does. You can curl and straighten and also chemically alter if called to do so. On the other hand, they can fade, and are susceptible to humidity and weather as well. These wigs will need to be cleaned professionally adding a regular cost to be considered. Synthetic wigs, once panned for their inability to look natural are now further advanced. They look real and are made of a fiber that maintains their shape and volume with relative ease. The caveat is that you cannot use hot tools on them or they will melt. Natural wigs are often far more expensive by comparison. I have often suggested synthetic for those who are seeking solutions while going through chemotherapy treatments.

  • Tailor Fitted
    Many women do not know that you can adjust your wig. I do not recommend major adjustments, but you can trim, thin, and texturize to make it look more you. This is always done dry and while being worn! Make sure you get someone who is skilled at wig adjustments as it will not grow back and can be a costly mistake!

  • Use Photos
    If you are going to lose your hair in the case of a medical crisis, immediately style your hair the way you like it and get someone to take photos of it from three angles, front, sides, and back. This will help you match a wig to your style (if that is your goal) and will also help your stylist or adjuster to create a close replication of your look.

  • Check the Wefts
    Wigs vary in how they are made. To avoid embarrassing gaps and ‘peek-a-boo’ spots, check the wefting and the spaces between each sewn section of hair. Cheaper models sometimes use fewer wefts and require more attention to potential mishaps. When you are choosing a wig, try it on and have someone look for potential spots that may be problematic. These can occur from brushing against airplane seats, high-back chairs, and accidental brushes against objects. Other places to check for quality are hairlines, temples, and napes. Some wigs incorporate natural skin bases in these areas for best fitting and concealment.

  • Support Tools
    To keep your wig looking its best there may be some accessories you need to purchase as well. These can add to the cost and maintenance regimen. Things to consider are what are called wig blocks to dry your wig after cleaning. These can come in wire or plastic mesh and are good for rapid air drying. Wig caps are made from similar material to that of panty-hose and put a barrier between your skin and the wig. This helps reduce itching and keeps you cooler.

    Finally many wigs work best with dedicated products and brushes as normal ones can degrade the wig quality. Make sure to ask about these items prior to purchase!

Taking these things into mind can help reduce anxiety when choosing a wig and insure a more seamless transition.

Try on your wigs and get a chance to get comfortable with what you see.

If you find yourself needing to select a wig and have another question not answered here, please don’t hesitate to ask via my contact me page.

Just remember that a wig is only a new frame around the artwork, the beauty contained therein will always radiate!

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