Follow Your Dreams at Any Age!

Follow Your Dreams at Any Age!

Video Page!

Follow Your Dreams is not just a mantra we instill into our grand children but also the sort of encouragement we give to each other today.
The skills we have learned in life thus far give us the confidence to make plans and have dreams even after 60. Gone are the guilt trips that plagued our mothers when they dared to have a personal wish, let alone make plans to go after it!

I believe that every time we hear a new story of brave women who have achieved a goal or fulfilled a dream it inspires us and our daughters to raise the bar for ourselves and follow our dreams! This page is devoted to your dreams, your plans and the goals you achieve.

Please submit your story at the bottom of this page.

Following the example set by thousands of women who, still run marathons, sail, learn a new language, study, take up a new career, a new sport, start a business, go on an exotic holiday alone or fulfill a life long wish to spend a week at a spa.

This is your opportunity to tell other women what happens when you follow your dream! Please submit your story at the bottom of this page and inspire others to have confidence and just do it!

In the meantime how’s this for anti aging in action!

Sailing is one of the most exhilarating hobbies I can imagine and Christine from tells me it’s no problem learning at any age. Many women who sail passionately are older than you think. Join Christine for a little taster of sun and surf in Oz.

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